Tuesday, December 27, 2011

State of the Artist 12/26/2011

View halloo, all!

This will be the last State of the Artist post for 2011, as there are no more Mondays before 2012 and the start of the Sketch-A-Day Project starting this Sunday!

The poll I posted before leaving for family holiday returned an overwhelmingly positive response for the Sketch-A-Day Project and daily posting. I'm thrilled so many of you enjoy the Sketch-A-Day Project, it definitely keeps me on my toes!

I do everyone has had a marvelous holiday season, regardless of what you celebrate. It is a time of year for friends and family, those of blood and those chosen. Sunday sees the first of January 2012, and here's hoping it brings joy and happiness, success and love to us all!

On with the update!

Weekly Words

I am in the habit of looking not so much to the nature of a gift as to the spirit in which it is offered.
- Robert Louis Stevenson, 1850 - 1894

The greatest gift we give is our heart; if we open them to friends, lovers, and strangers we will be enriched by the love receive in return.

Current Project

I had hoped to post some completed gift sketches for those were were kind and generous enough to donate to the Holiday Card project (THANK YOU, generous souls!) with this final post, however between the family vacation and being horribly ill upon my return home, I just didn't get the chance to work on anything. I'm terribly sorry, and I do hope those who donated will understand the delay, but there WILL be donation gifts! Promise! :)

Instead, I'll be posting the final card artwork for this year's Holiday Card, as all cards are received.

As always, clicking on the thumbnail below will take you to the larger image!

This year's holiday card image was actually the very first throw-away sketch I did, but never posted since it was a scribbly little thing done on a napkin while waiting for a latte at Starbucks.

As always, Panda is a prominent figure. Ever since we adopted the adorable little hellspawn, he's been featured in my Holiday Card imagery. He's crazy, cranky, grumpy, aloof and antisocial, but I loves him to furry little bits. :)

The final artwork is a mixed media melange of alcohol-based pigments, ink, and gold paint on marker vellum at A4 size. It is, as is most of my work, heavily influenced by the Art Nouveau style, combined with my own approach and aesthetics.

If interested, the final original artwork is for sale and makes a lovely, unique piece for any collection or gift for someone who appreciates illustration or original artwork.

Original (mixed media, A4): $250 USD
Prints (giclee, 8x10"): $12 USD (WILL SHIP BY FEBRUARY 1st)

*If desired, prints and/or originals can be shipped matted for an additional charge, but otherwise will ship flat in reinforced packing materials unless requested otherwise*

From the Archive

Completed: 2002

Oooof... yet another OLDIE destined for the Redo pile. I do love mythical creatures, and mythologies in general, so I have no idea why I don't draw more in this vein... I really should. I'm sure some will show up in the Sketch-A-Day Project next month!

Original: N/A

Near Future

As stated above, the Sketch-A-Day Project starts this Sunday, January 1, 2012! I'm both excited and a bit apprehensive, as I usually am when starting a new project. If you have any suggestions for things/characters you'd like to see leave a reply! I can't promise your suggestion will be used, but any possible inspiration is much-appreciated! :)

Convention season starts next month, as well, with 2 mail-in cons kicking off in January and my first attendance-con in February. More to come as I solidify plans for attendance!

2011 kicked a lot of us around quite a bit, leaving some of us bruised and battered and in serious need of respite, so here's to making 2012 a better year for us all!

Thank you for joining me for another State of the Artist update, and I hope to see you all for the Sketch-A-Day Project!!

If you enjoy seeing posts of new or in-progress artwork, please consider a donation.

Become a patron of the arts!

Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!

Monday, December 5, 2011

State of the Artist 12/5/2011

View halloo, peoples!

It's Monday, and that means it's time for another State Of The Artist update!

Weekly Words

Why do we think technology is above morality? ... The real question is, 'How should I conduct my life?' rather than 'What tools should I use?'.
- Neil Postman, 1931 - 2003

Current Project

*Clicking on the the thumbnails will take you to the larger versions*

The first two images are the inked versions of last week's rough pencils for the character sheet commission for "Kavanaugh." All that's left for these now, is to add the color flats, color information, and biographical data. Yay!

The last image is for the cover sheet, which will be done in a softer, more blended coloring method (also to be completed digitally.)

From The Archive

In The Shadows
Completed: 9.2002

Whooo, this is an old one! This is another for the "To Be Redone One Day" pile, as I like the concept of only seeing the truth through the cast shadow, but my style and skills have clearly changed since I completed this piece.

Original: N/A
Prints (8x11, giclee): $5

*please note if interested*

Near Future

The Near Future actually sees a short hiatus of State Of The Artist updates, due to a family holiday trip that will take me out of town with intermittent-at-best internet access. So, there will be no updates for Monday, December 12th or Monday, December 19th.

I do hope to have holiday photos and some donation-gifts (!!) to post when I return to the regular posting schedule.

I believe I have sent messages to everyone who donated to the Holiday Card project, if you donated and haven't received an email or PM here on LJ, please let me know!!

Thank you all for joining me for this week's State of the Artist update!

If you enjoy seeing posts of new or in-progress artwork, please consider a donation.

Become a patron of the arts!

Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!

Monday, November 28, 2011

State of the Artist 11/28/2011

View halloo, peoples!

I hope all my fellow American followers had a lovely Thanksgiving holiday, and that my international followers had a lovely weekend!

It's Monday, folks, and you know what that means! Yes, it's time for another State of the Artist update!

Weekly Words

Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.

-Abigail Adams, 1744 - 1818

Current Project

Current commission work: (clicking on the thumbnails will take you to the larger version!)

I was commissioned to complete a set of character sheets for an RPG character, and these are the roughs. For those of you who don't know, character sheets are mockups of a character's appearance with relevant color information and data for developers to use to keep a character consistent. They're predominantly used in the video game industry.

These two pages are the roughs for a character named Kavanaugh: front and back, in skivvies and in his normal daily dress. Right now, it's just the pencils, but when done, they'll be inked and filled with color (digital) along with HEX code color "splotches" for continuity and any pertinent character profile data.

I really hope to have these two pieces, along with the character cover sheet done before it's time to take the family holiday trip! *keeping fingers crossed*

From The Archive

Kitsune Dawn
August 2005
Mixed media: alcohol pigments and ink

Kitsune Dawn is the companion to last week's Geisha Moon and a continuation of the Japanese aesthetic and theme. I decided I wanted to keep a common thread running through these two pieces, regardless of the foreground images and colors, and that was the iconic Mt. Fuji in the background.

Original (A4, ink & alcohol pigments): $150
Prints (8x10" giclee): $12

*Please note me if interested!*

Near Future

I'm happy to say that the Holiday Card artwork has been sent to the printers and now it's just a matter of getting them back before I head out of town for the annual family holiday shenanigans!

Thank you to all the generous people who donated for the cost of production and postage, it is much appreciated! I'll be contacting you over the course of the week to send you a little special something for your generosity!

So, folks, that's all for this week's State Of The Artist update, I do hope you've enjoyed this week's offerings! As always, feel free to comment on this, or any other, post!

If you enjoy seeing posts of new or in-progress artwork, please consider a donation.

Become a patron of the arts!

Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!

Monday, November 21, 2011

State of the Artist 11/21/2011

View halloo, peoples! It's Monday, and that means it's time for another State of the Artist update!

Weekly Words

Focus 90% of your time on solutions and only 10% of your time on problems.
- Anthony J. D'Angelo

Wise advice, now if only I could override my own intrinsic reaction to worry and get anxious and fret and panic, and just take time to breathe, relax, and put the worry aside.

Current Project

Still working on Holiday Card artwork, and rejecting nearly everything that hits the page, but, I thought I'd post the last two sketches, as I *think* I've come up with the design I'm going to go with. I do need to hurry as I need to get the files to the printers soon so I'll have the cards on hand to mail before heading out of town for a family trip.

Clicking on the thumbnails will open up the larger image!


This will be the LAST CALL for Holiday Card requests. As of next week, I hope to have the image file to the printer. So, if you want a 2011 holiday card, you MUST leave your reply to THIS LINKED POST ONLY by Friday, November 25th, midnight ET. You MUST include your mailing address, even if I have sent you cards in the past, I do not keep addresses after the cards have been mailed, so please do not assume I have your address!

If you want a card, you must reply, I do not send unsolicited cards anymore, as the production and postage costs are too high to order "extras."

If you'd like to donate to the cost of printing and/or mailing holiday cards, please click the "Donate" image at the bottom of this, or any other, post. As always, donations are appreciated, but neither requested nor required. Thank you!


From The Archive

Geisha Moon
Completed: 8.2005

I've long had an interested in Japanese culture and aesthetics. The idea of "wabi sabi," or perfect imperfections appeals to my rather cluttered mind, and I'm usually trying to put my own take on this concept into practice in my own life to greater or lesser success.

Original (A4, mixed media): $150 USD
Prints (8x10" giclee): $12 USD

*please note if interested*

Near Future

A number of journal followers have asked for my holiday wish list, so I decided to post it here, since the near future really consists of me needing to get my Holiday Cards and commissions done by the end of the year.

Pretty simple wish list, really, but here goes!

Holiday 2011 Wish List:
1. Gift card/certificates to Amazon.com
2. Gift cards/certificates to dickblick.com (art supplies are my crack)

... and, that's it! See, simple. :)

And... that's all for this week's State of the Artist update! Thank you for joining me, and I hope you've enjoyed this week's sketch offerings!

If you enjoy seeing posts of new or in-progress artwork, please consider a donation.

Become a patron of the arts!

Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!

Monday, November 14, 2011

State of the Artist 11/14/2011

View halloo, all!

It's Monday, and that means, it's time for another State of the Artist update!

Weekly Words

That which you fear the most can meet you half way
-Pearl Jam "Crazy Mary"

Some of the best 3 minute philosophy is found in song lyrics.

Current Project

Thought I'd post some more of the Holiday Card 2011 reject sketches, since that seems to be all I'm coming up with at the moment... the reject pile is growing, and I really need to find something I'm happy with so I can get started on the final piece!

Clicking on the smaller images will take you to larger scans!

Not much to say about these, really, as they're all rejects for this year's images. Like last week's, there are elements that might end up being incorporated into the final project, but as of yet, I've no idea what that final image is going to be! O.o


Again, if you missed the original post regarding requesting Holiday Cards for 2011, please reply to THIS POST HERE! There will be NO unsolicited cards send this year, so if you want one, you MUST request one.

Donations to assist with the cost of card production or postage are always welcome, but not required!

From the Archive

Xmas 2005
Completed: December 2005

One of the very early Holiday Card designs produced for the request list when I was still working almost entirely digitally, so there isn't an original for this image. Even after all this time, there are a number of elements I like about this image. I have long been enamored with the Art Nouveau movement, and it has long been a presence in my artwork.

Original: N/A
Prints (8x10", giclee): $12
Prints (4x5", giclee): $6

Near Future

The near future sees me at work on Holiday Card artwork and commission backlog... STILL.

With luck, I'll have a finalized design this week so I can get it out to the printer as soon as possible, and make some significant progress on my commission backlog so I can get a new queue started. Again, thank you so very much to all of you who have been so patient regarding the wait for pending commissions and new slots for upcoming commissions, I truly appreciate it!

Well, folks, that's it for this week. Thank you for joining me for another State Of The Artist update, I do hope you enjoyed the work posted this week!

If you enjoy seeing posts of new or in-progress artwork, please consider a donation.

Become a patron of the arts!

Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!

Monday, November 7, 2011

State of the Artist 11/7/2011

View halloo, peoples!

It's Monday, which means, it's that time again... time for a State of the artist update!

Weekly Words

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.
- Pablo Picasso, 1881 - 1973

We are born as blank slates, such creativity encapsulated in the mind that doesn't know "those things aren't real," or "you're not supposed to be able to do that." The challenge, I think, is to retain that creativity and imaginative spark as we go through life being told "that's not real" or worrying about rent, food, bills, all the trappings of being an "adult," without losing sight of the joy of being childlike.

Current Project

Aside from commissions and an unrelated, ongoing project, still taking up the bulk of my time and energy, I'm working on my Holiday Card art... and rejecting most of it. *heh* Such is the way of the creative mind, right?

I thought I'd give you a couple of the sketch ideas I've rejected... although elements might reappear in the finished product.

Clicking on the thumbnails will take you to the full size image!

I find it interesting that I live in a tropical region where it rarely drops below 65 degrees, even in the "dead of winter" (if we're LUCKY) and yet I'm drawing images of snowflakes... O.o I really need to experience a more traditional northern hemisphere winter one of these days.

*** If you didn't see last week's State of the Artist update, you missed the open call for Holiday Card requests. If you'd like to receive a Holiday Card (featuring brand new original artwork) please REPLY ONLY TO THIS LINKED POST.

All replies to the linked post are screened for privacy, and only I will be able to see them. Please, even if you've received a card from me in the past, leave your mailing address in the comments ONLY to the post linked above. I do not keep addresses after the holiday cards have been mailed out. ***

From The Archive

Forest Throne
Completed: 9.2006
Media: Graphite, 9x12"

Since I posted rejected sketches above, I thought it appropriate to post more pencil work here. Although this piece was completed five years ago, I am still very much enamored with it in nearly every way. I love trees, particularly atmospheric photographs of large stands of leafy trees (the kind we don't get where I live,) but I don't particularly relish drawing them, so this piece was more of a personal challenge.

The figure seated in the throne-like tree trunk came first, rather floating in the center of the page until the tree-throne actually grew up around him, rather organically.

I was then left with the challenge of what to fill the resulting blank space with... I actually spent a few hours combing through my morgue of tree/forest photos before settling on something Aspen/Birch-like, with a heavy-dose of "making it up as I go along." :)

Original (9x12" archival paper, graphite): $150
Prints (8x10" giclee): $12

*please note if interested*

Near Future

Convention season is over for me for the year (unless I find some random new venue to attempt,) so it's time to buckle down on the (still) remaining commissions in my backlog and my Holiday Card art project, before posting a new commission queue for those of you who have sent me notes asking when I'll have new slots open. I thank you all so very much for your patience and understanding regarding ongoing commissions and future commission slots, it means the world to me in what has been a rather difficult and stressful year!

Convention season starts again for me come February where I will have a table at MegaCon in Orlando, Florida, the weekend of February 17-19.

I do hope to start up Sketch-A-Day again in January, although it's primary purpose was to make sure I had enough to start the Work-A-Week project in February so I'd have at least 4 new pieces by MegaCon.... however, MegaCon is early next year. So, who knows, maybe Sketch-A-Day will start in December this year.... we shall see!

Thank you all for joining me on yet another State Of The Artist update! I do hope you enjoyed this week's offerings. As always, feel free to leave comments below!

If you enjoy seeing posts of new or in-progress artwork, please consider a donation.

Become a patron of the arts!

Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!

Monday, October 17, 2011

State of the Artist 10/17/2011

View halloo!

So, it's been a bit of a busy week on a personal level here on Planet Kit! No surprise there, right? But, here we are, another Monday and another State of the Artist update!

Weekly Words

Perhaps the day may come when we shall remember these sufferings with joy.
- Virgil, 70 - 19 BC

We each have our struggles, hardships, trials and tribulations; some we share with the world, some we share with friends or family, and some we keep to ourselves. But, whatever our struggles, we each of us hope one day we can look back and say we are stronger for them.

Current Project

*click for larger image*

Long-delayed commission for a good friend. Requested back during AFO in August, this is Mizuho Kazami from "Read or Die." Thankfully, he is extraordinarily patient and understanding. But, it's now in the mail and on it's way to him, so I do hope he'll enjoy it!

Nothing else to post from the backlog of Current Projects I'm working on, as I'm clearing them off one at a time and so devoting what little time I have at the moment to each project individually.

From the Archive

*click for larger version*

Blood Tears
Completed: 6.2008

A commission completed in 2008. One of a series of requested characters from an original work of fiction, this is Michael. I cannot deny a thing for redheads. :)

Original: Not Available
Prints (8x10", giclee): $12

*Please note if interested*

Near Future

Not much going on in terms of conventions for the rest of the year. This time of year is pretty quiet for me until February, when I'll be appearing at MegaCon in Orlando. Until then, I've still got a commission backlog, an upcoming print sale I hope to post details for, holiday card request post I need to get to work on, hopes to open a new commission queue before too much longer, and another project I've taken on.... O.o

With a friend coming in from out of town for the weekend, it promises to be a very busy Near Future!

So, that's all for this week's State of the Artist, thank you all for joining me! As always, feel free to leave questions or comments below!

If you enjoy seeing posts of new or in-progress artwork, please consider a donation.

Become a patron of the arts!

Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!

Monday, October 10, 2011

State of the Artist 10/10/2011

View halloo!

I'm sorry for the lack of update last week, it was rather hectic on Planet Kit, and I didn't have anything new to share, but welcome to a new State of the Artist update and thank you for joining me!

Weekly Words

The more I know, the more sure I am I know so little. The eternal paradox.

-James Clavell, 1924 - 1994

Current Project

I did end up getting a final scan of the portrait commission I was working on of Nakeisha, so I'll be posting the final pencil.

There are some small tweaks and adjustments to the curves of her cheeks and the slope of her nose that probably aren't noticeable if you're not looking at the original, but they were little things that were bothering me as I was working on it. Due to the extremely personal nature of this commission, I just wanted to make sure it was as close to perfect as I could get it.

My only hope now is that her mother can look upon this portrait and see only the joys in her daughter's life, and not the sorrows she could no longer fight.

From the Archive

More Than Meets The Eye
Completed: February 2008

I found myself struck by the desire to do some fanart for the first Transformers film that was released, but since I'm not a big fan of technical drawing, I decided to reboot the 'bots into how I envisioned them in human bodies given their personalities. From left to right: Ratchet, Jazz, Bumblebee, Optimus Prime, Ironhide. (No prizes for guessing my favorite Autobot. ^.^)

This is actually not a single image, but a composite of five separate inked and traditionally-colored drawings.

I really need to draw men more often.

Originals (A4, ink and marker, 5 separate character drawings): $60 each
Prints (8x10", giclee, composite image): $12

Near Future

As of this update, the only upcoming convention that will be showing my art is:

Necronomicon: Tampa, FL October 21-23

Right now, I've got 3 commissions still sitting on my plate to clear off before I can open up the queue to take new commissions of work on personal pieces I still have sitting on the drawing board. Those of you who have asked about upcoming commission slots, I thank you for your patience, and I promise to announce here when I open up the queue!

So, that's it for this week's State of the Artist update, thank you for joining me!

If you enjoy seeing posts of new or in-progress artwork, please consider a donation.

Become a patron of the arts!

Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!

Monday, September 26, 2011

State of the Artist for 9/26/2011

View halloo, peoples!

Ok, another week another post, right? So, let's get on with the State of the Artist update!

Weekly Words

The apple cannot be stuck back on the Tree of Knowledge; once we begin to see, we are doomed and challenged to seek the strength to see more, not less.
- Arthur Miller, 1915 - 2005

Current Project

So, I'm still working on a personal commission project and coming up against a hard and fast deadline. ACK!

Please remember this piece is still a work-in-progress, and due to the nature of the deadline coming up, will probably be the last scan I have of this portrait.

Nakeisha, I can only hope this portrait does you justice. I fervently hope and pray that your soul is now at peace after such a long struggle. I know all who knew you will remember you with joy in our hearts. Be at peace.

* * *

From the Archive

Mad Hatter
Completed: 8.2005

Another preliminary costume design from a few years ago, that, while a pain in the butt to actually make, was quite fun to wear! Unlike last week's Thera, this costume is actually fun and not too terribly dreadful in the FL summer heat... but, she was retired after a year.

That said, I need to get to designing something for next year's convention season!

Original: SOLD
Prints (giclee, 8x10"): $12

*please note if interested*

Near Future

Due to the past few weeks health and personal issues, my artwork will be missing from a number of conventions I usually send to. The next show I should have my artwork at is:

Necronomicon: Oct. 21-23rd, Tampa, FL

If you'll be in town, or attending the convention, do stop by and check out the Art Show!

So, that's all for this week's State of the Artist update! Not much, but it's been a rather trying month and I'm really just working to get this project done so I can clear the other commissions off my plate and get back to some personal projects and consideration for this year's Holiday Card!

If you enjoy seeing posts of new or in-progress artwork, please consider a donation.

Become a patron of the arts!

Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

State of the Artist for 9/19/2011 (9/20/2011)

View halloo, peoples! So, the Monday SoTA is actually Tuesday...

I am so tremendously sorry about my long absence from updating the State Of The Artist, and social media in general. Without getting into too much detail or delving too much into personal issues, it has been a difficult time recently, both in terms of health scares and issues and personal/family issues.

Many of you kindly reached out while I was "hibernating" recently, and it was much appreciated and a welcome respite from events of the recent past. I thank you all very much.

That said, on with the post!

Weekly Words

Keep your feet on the ground, but let your heart soar as high as it will.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer, 1897 - 1963

Again, many thanks to everyone who reached out over the last month or so, it really did make a difference and it is much appreciated. I am grateful for the online community I have been welcomed into, it is an amazing thing to realize just how many connections are made that otherwise would never have come to pass otherwise.

Current Project

A pending commission worked up during my hibernation, for a dear friend. She asked for 2 characters, ink, playing out the idea of the "Spider and the Fly," with just a few specifics for either character.

I had fun with this, it was open, leaving me a lot of room to play around, which I like.

* * *

I'm sorry there isn't more to upload and share, but it has been a pretty rough month or so. With luck, I'll be able to get through the pending commissions I have relatively quickly and get back to work on more personal projects, or open up another queue and take on new commissions soon.

From the Archive

Completed: 7.2004

A lot of random pieces start out as costuming ideas for attending conventions or even just "hey, I feel like putting together some random outfit-type thing." So, a lot of pieces are preliminary sketches for things I plan to/attempt to sew or construct.

"Thera" is one of those pieces. In fact, "Thera" is the first of those pieces.

The idea behind this costume was a red vinyl, shortened kimono with "maiden" sleeves, a black leather obi, red and white striped stocking/boot-things, and a bun cover, complete with highly stylized Kabuki-esque makeup.

So, once the design was finalized, I did, in fact sew this entire costume... and let me tell you, vinyl... a colossal PAIN to work with. Not to mention HOT in the Florida summer heat and humidity. Needless to say, while this costume was a success, it was retired after one appearance.

Original (A4, mixed media): SOLD
Prints (8x10" giclee): $12

*Please note if interested*

Near Future

As mentioned above, most of the near future consists of getting pending commissions completed.

There may or may not be a progress post for the current commission on my plate. I'm currently working (on a deadline) on a commission for a friend of his good friend who committed suicide earlier this year. We all worked on the same project together 2 years ago, and the final piece is for the young woman's mother to be given on her deceased daughter's birthday.

I'm honored to be working on such a personal piece, and I only hope I can do Nakeisha justice.

Again, thank you all for joining me for another State of the Artist update, and with luck, they'll be back to being far more regular from now on!

If you enjoy seeing posts of new or in-progress artwork, please consider a donation.

Become a patron of the arts!

Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!

Monday, August 15, 2011

State of the Artist for 8/15/2011

View Halloo, peoples!

I do hope you'll excuse my extended absence over the last few weeks. Between travel, conventions, recent illness, and preparing for upcoming surgery, I've been more than a bit distracted and have sadly neglected this journal. I am sorry, but now that the travel convention season is over for me, I can get back to regular sketching and updates.

That said, let's get started with this week's State of the Artist update.

Weekly Words

We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin.
- Andre Berthiaume

Current Project

To be honest, my current project consists of trying to kick being sick in time for surgery... and splitting my time between 3 commissions so I can get them off my plate. However, since it has been 3 weeks since I posted anything to this journal, I should post some of the things I worked on at the recent conventions I attended.

Please forgive the camera phone!



These are not all the at-con commission projects I took on at the last two conventions I attended, but they are the ones I could find the picture files for. *heh*

From The Archive

Chosen Blade
Completed: 4.2008

I'm rather fond of this piece, although I seem to be the only one. I like the arrangement and depth of field, and concept. Although, I do have to say, with markers, it's a bit harder to get that nice translucent fade that is easier to achieve with a wetter media like watercolors.

Original (A4, mixed media): $100
Prints (8x10" giclee): $12

*Please note if interested*

Near Future

As mentioned above, first thing on my plate is clearing off the booked commissions and trying to get rid of this Con Crud that has left me wiped out on my couch making friends with NyQuill and Kleenex for over a week now.

I will not be having artwork at AnimeFest or Anime Weekend Atlanta this year unless I can find agents willing to take my work for me, as I will not be able to make the mail-in deadlines. I'm rather sad and amazed by this seeing as it will be the first time in over 5 years that my art won't have a presence at either convention.

Hopefully, once the brain fog of being sick clears, I'll have a more coherent State of the Artist update next week!

Thank you for joining me for this update. As always, feel free to leave comments on this or any post in this journal, I love feedback!

If you enjoy seeing posts of new or in-progress artwork, please consider a donation.

Become a patron of the arts!

Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!

Monday, July 18, 2011

State of the Artist for 7/18/2011

View halloo, peoples!

It's Monday, and that means it's time for another State of the Artist update, so let's get started!

Weekly Words

You have to live spherically—in many directions. To accept yourself for what you are without inhibitions, to be open.
- Federico Fellini, 1920 - 1993

We are who we are, the sum of our experiences and the people who have traveled through our lives.

Current Project

I've been fiddling with some doodles from Florida SuperCon (over 4th of July weekend) to see if, perhaps, they might be expanded into completed pieces.

So, I took a commission at FSC that I didn't post last week because I couldn't get the photo I took off my phone until now. *heh* It was a commission of a steampunk time traveler, and I loved the resultant pencil work and concept so much I asked the client if I could expand it. Luckily, she was happy with the final work, too, and said yes! :)

This is the initial pencil commission:

And I've got a couple of ideas on where to take it from here. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to work on it over the next few weeks.

* * *

Another doodle from FSC that I've been tinkering with on and off over the last few days, in between Real Life Drama.

As you can see, she's clearly not done... as she's got no top on, but I've got most of an idea of where I want her to go... I think.

From The Archive

Completed: 9/2006

Yet another image for the "To be redone" pile. I am rather enamored of the poppies in this piece, and even the strange, splattery green background... the figure on the other hand, needs work. I will probably tackle this in a traditional medium whenever I get back around to this redoing this piece, as I've been spending most of my efforts on traditional media works. I like the idea of there being a traditional media original.

That's not to say I don't like working digitally, or like digital work in general. On the contrary, I DO! I find, though, that I tend to waffle between periods of working entirely in the traditional and periods of working entirely digital.

Original: N/A
Prints (8.5x11" giclee): $7

*please note if interested*

Near Future

The Near Future brings a week-long stay with some wonderful friends in the DC/Virginia area before heading to Baltimore for Otakon. So near, in fact, that my flight leaves Thursday morning! Ack!

There may or may not be an update for Monday, July 25th, depending on access to a scanner or being able to upload any photos of artwork to my webserver. But, there will definitely be a post-Otakon update when I return on Monday, August 1st.

Otakon is also followed immediately by AFO in Orlando the weekend of August 5-7. So, it's going to be a busy two weeks!

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