Monday, May 23, 2011

State of the Artist for 5/23/2011

View halloo, peoples!

It's Monday, and that means time for another State of the Artist update!

I'm so sorry I hadn't updated this! I didn't even notice it had gotten to be a month since I posted anything here... bad, Kit! I will definitely try to do better about remembering to update here as I'm really new to Blogger!

Weekly Words

We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and mystery.
- H. G. Wells, 1866 - 1946

Current Project

As promised last week, the full color, traditional media originals of Rhys and Mina from Meljean Brooks' The Iron Duke!

First up: Rhys Trahaearn

Like Archimedes and Yasmeen last week, the final image for the card will be digitally aged and textured, along with the addition of text in the banner, in Photoshop to allow for any needed manipulation by the publisher for the final image.

I really like how Rhys ended up coming out. I think it's the messy, rakish hair and big arms. :)

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Next up: Mina Wentworth

And the proper, but imminently prepared, Mina rounds out the final four commissioned images for this project! And, of course, it's all about the hair!

I love how Meljean's female adventurers actually DRESS like adventurers (well, minus Mina's butt ruffle, but that's too cute for words and I'd wear one!) They wear PANTS and cover their skin, unlike some who have their women running around in the skimpiest of costumes that wouldn't stand up to a malfunctioning sprinkler, let alone running all over the world, kicking ass and taking names.

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Next week, I'll post the final card images after adding texture and proper aging to give them all that "long-lost advert" feel.

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From The Archive

Royal Tiger
Completed: September 2007

This was originally intended to be one of a series of 4 based on the Four Guardian Spirits: Byakko (tiger/west,) Genbu (tortoise/north,) Suzaku (phoenix/south,) and Seiryuu (dragon/east.) Like many of my planned series, that just didn't happen, and it's rather a bit of a stretch in terms of license, as Byakko is a white tiger.

I'll probably end up coming back to this concept at a later date, as I like the idea of series (if you couldn't tell -*laugh*!) but, in order for them to be cohesive, they really need to be completed (or at least sketched and roughed out) around the same time, as I've noticed my style evolves and changes rather rapidly as I embrace influences and explore the impact, mood, and stylistic themes I want my art to bring to bear.

I've always loved the Art Nouveau aesthetic, and it has always been an influence in my artwork, and I certainly see that continuing, but it is definitely flavored with my love of both American comics and manga.

Original: N/A
Prints (8x10" giclee): $12

*Please note me if interested*

Near Future

I'll be tidying up and aging all the Steampunk Trading Card project images and making sure they're ready for printing, so those will be posted next Monday, along with the initial offering of the originals for the 4 traditional media pieces for sale, so stay tuned for that!

Up next, I've got artwork appearing at:

A-Kon Dallas, TX June 10-12

I will be attending:

MetroCon Tampa, FL June 17-19


Florida SuperCon Miami, FL July 1-4

If you'll be in the neighborhood for any of these conventions and would like to check out my art or stop by for a commission or just to say hi, feel free to pop in to the art shows or stop by my table in the Artist Alleys!

Also, should be opening up online commissions again within a few weeks, so many thanks to the many people who've been so patiently waiting for the commission post!

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Thank you all for joining me for another State of the Artist post! As always, feel free to leave comments to this, or any other post here.

If you have any suggestions for things you might like to see in upcoming State of the Artist posts, please let me know!

If you enjoy seeing posts of new or in-progress artwork, please consider a donation.

Become a patron of the arts!

Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!