So, it's been a bit of a busy week on a personal level here on Planet Kit! No surprise there, right? But, here we are, another Monday and another State of the Artist update!
Weekly Words
Perhaps the day may come when we shall remember these sufferings with joy.
- Virgil, 70 - 19 BC
We each have our struggles, hardships, trials and tribulations; some we share with the world, some we share with friends or family, and some we keep to ourselves. But, whatever our struggles, we each of us hope one day we can look back and say we are stronger for them.
Current Project
*click for larger image*
Long-delayed commission for a good friend. Requested back during AFO in August, this is Mizuho Kazami from "Read or Die." Thankfully, he is extraordinarily patient and understanding. But, it's now in the mail and on it's way to him, so I do hope he'll enjoy it!
Nothing else to post from the backlog of Current Projects I'm working on, as I'm clearing them off one at a time and so devoting what little time I have at the moment to each project individually.
From the Archive
*click for larger version*
Blood Tears
Completed: 6.2008
A commission completed in 2008. One of a series of requested characters from an original work of fiction, this is Michael. I cannot deny a thing for redheads. :)
Original: Not Available
Prints (8x10", giclee): $12
*Please note if interested*
Near Future
Not much going on in terms of conventions for the rest of the year. This time of year is pretty quiet for me until February, when I'll be appearing at MegaCon in Orlando. Until then, I've still got a commission backlog, an upcoming print sale I hope to post details for, holiday card request post I need to get to work on, hopes to open a new commission queue before too much longer, and another project I've taken on.... O.o
With a friend coming in from out of town for the weekend, it promises to be a very busy Near Future!
So, that's all for this week's State of the Artist, thank you all for joining me! As always, feel free to leave questions or comments below!
If you enjoy seeing posts of new or in-progress artwork, please consider a donation.
Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!