View halloo, peoples!
Well, we've hit the end of the first week of the Sketch-A-Day Project! *whew!* One week down, three more to go!
Recently, I went over and looked at the Sketch-A-Day 2011 Project artwork from this time last year, and noticed quickly that this year's sketches are much closer to more fully realized pieces... more like detailed thumbnails in preparation for eventual finished pieces. I've been very happy with the progression so far, my only hope now is that I can keep it up! Thank you all for coming along on this project with me, and I hope to not disappoint as the month progresses. I have greatly appreciated every comment left!
Well, enough of my blabber, and on with Day 7's offering!
*clicking on the thumbnail opens the full-size image*

The Archivist
This piece is almost cheating, as it is actually a revisit to a MUCH older sketch idea that has been floating around various sketchbooks since 2002... always the same general idea, but I never felt I was at the skill level to bring it to life the way I could see it in my head. I am much happier with this attempt, and this might end up the blueprint for the first attempt at the final piece.
Again, graphite and white pencil on toned, rough paper.
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