Tuesday, May 29, 2012

State of the Artist 5/29/2012

View halloo, all!

I am terribly sorry for missing my regularly scheduled update on Monday, but Laptop Troubles made it unavoidable. Laptop Troubles seems to be fixed *cross fingers* (as much as computer issues ever are,) so I'm posting the weekly update one day later than planned. :)

First off, thank you to everyone who participated in last week's poll! I wasn't expecting so many responses, and they are much appreciated. Many thanks to who was kind enough to publicize my poll on her own journal!

The overwhelming majority of respondents voted for WIP photos, so I will be posting progress pictures as I complete the winning piece... which was "Angler Mer," by a squeaker!

Unfortunately, I didn't get any LJ notifications about the poll or replies left in the comment section when they were left. Instead, I got them all today... O.o, so I apologize for not responding if you left a comment on last week's post, but I will be responding this evening. Thank you all so much!

So, on with the show! :)

Weekly Words

Think what a better world it would be if we all, the whole world, had cookies and milk about three o'clock every afternoon and then lay down on our blankets for a nap.

- Barbara Jordan, 1936 - 1996

I think as individuals, communities, and societies, we could probably all benefit from daily cookies-n-milk and a nap. Who didn't love naptime as a kid, and who doesn't love cookies?

... I wish I had some cookies now... it's going on my evening agenda: MAKE COOKIES.

Current Project

Today I'm posting a marker doodle done as a companion piece to MCA Hogarth's Mazalaen doodle posted HERE.

*clicking the thumbnail opens the larger image*

This is Qethryn. She is the princess of a land called Zalitraeq, an entire universe created as a joint project between myself and MCA Hogarth, in which we could play around and have fun exploring fantasy and created cultures and mythological creatures and whatever struck our fancy. It's a marvelous universe, and I am ever so glad to have the opportunity to play in it again. I highly recommend checking out the available information regarding Zalitraeq HERE where you can find information about the people, races, languages, and wildlife created in the universe.

While exploring the Zalitraeq pages of the wiki, wander around and check out the myriad of Micah's other many worlds, races, and published stories, all embellished with her striking and dramatic artwork.

The Qethryn dragon doodle above is for sale for $40 and is roughly 6x7" completed with inks and Copic markers on 9x12" acid-free paper. (Please note if interested!)

Near Future

The Near Future sees me attending the following conventions:

Florida SuperCon in Miami, FL (June 29-July 2)
Otakon in Baltimore, MD (July 27-29)

Come stop by my table and say hi, buy a print, or commission some original artwork! Hope to see you there!

Thank you for joining me for this week's (late) State of the Artist update!

If you enjoy seeing posts of new or in-progress artwork, please consider a donation.

Become a patron of the arts!

Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!

Monday, May 21, 2012

State of the Artist 5/21/2012

View hallo!

I'm sorry for missing last week's State of the Artist update (and I'm squeaking in under the wire this week!) Due to the inclusion of a poll in this week's update, I'm posting a link to the original post on LiveJournal.

There is new line art posted and a poll question. I'd really appreciate it if you could take a moment to answer the poll or leave a comment to the post!

Thank you,

Monday, May 7, 2012

State of the Artist 5/7/2012

View halloo, everyone!

It's Monday evening here on Planet Kit, and that means it's time for another State of the Artist update!

Weekly Words

Frame thy mind to mirth and merriment, which bars a thousand harms, and lengthens life.

-William Shakespeare, 1564 - 1616

Current Project

Still hard at work splitting time between the commissions still sitting in my queue, *but,* I have been poking around at the next of the Lofty Pursuits crew, and she is ready for transfer so I can get started on color! I'm very excited to start this piece, as my Lofty Pursuits crew has been sadly neglected for some time.

But, here she is, lines for "The Eastern Star," one of the highly sought after escorts of Madame Scarlett's famed airship brothel:

*clicking the thumbnail opens the larger image*

Since she is the next member of the Lofty Pursuits crew, she'll be completed in the same style as "Madame Scarlett," but I have a question for all of you out there. When I worked on "Madame Scarlett," I posted progress photos. Would you like to see the same for "The Eastern Star?"

That's all for this week's update, thanks for joining me here! I look forward to comments and questions about the Lofty Pursuits project and/or "The Eastern Star." :)

If you enjoy seeing posts of new or in-progress artwork, please consider a donation.

Become a patron of the arts!

Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!