Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sketch-A-Day 2013: Day 31 END!

View halloo, all! We've reached the END of the January 2013 Sketch-A-Day Project!

Ya~aay! *muppet flails*

Thank you all for joining me for this Sketch-A-Day Project, I hope you've enjoyed the variety of daily sketches! A very special thank you to everyone who has left comments on the sketches posted. Your feedback means the world to me, for without it, I push these creations out into the Void to the sound of silence. Comments push the drive to improve, to "top" the last piece, to reach a new nerve ending somewhere whether it be to strike, soothe, tickle or titillate.

Thank you, too, to everyone who took a few moments to vote in my recent poll! Later today/tomorrow I will be posting a new poll in which you can place your votes for the pieces to be completed in the Work-A-Week Project that starts next week! I will also be posting the entirety of the catalog of originals available for purchase, as a number of people have asked if individual pieces are for sale. The answer is Yes, they are! :)

Signifying the end, she slowly dissolves...

I'm considering launching the Sketch-A-Day Project again later on in the year (perhaps July/August-ish, depending on what the summer convention schedule looks like,) so, please let me know if you'd like to see this project make another appearance! The plan would be to follow it up with another Work-A-Week Project, as well, to take a few of the more successful S-a-D pieces to finished works.


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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sketch-A-Day 2013: Day 30

Only one more day to go! Whoohoo!

She wraps herself in the cloak of time and space, a silent shadow observing and unobserved. If she does nothing, says nothing, who is to know she was ever even there.


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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sketch-A-Day 2013: Day 29

Day 29!

He is The Ambassador. That's all I know... no, really. That, and the fact that, apparently, he is of a race with iridescent scales and a cultural grab-bag fashion sense. -.-;;;

... and onward to Day 30!


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Monday, January 28, 2013

Sketch-A-Day 2013: Day 28

Into the home stretch!!! Yay!

My friend, MCA Hogarth, pointed out to me today that a lot of my Sketch-A-Day characters look rather sad or withdrawn, and she's definitely right! She suggested I draw a character dancing or sleeping with a toy, and... off the pencil went! So, some scritching and doodling later, this young anthro popped out... complete with stuffed anthro. Because there are some things in life you never outgrow. :)

If you haven't already voted in the poll posted earlier today, here regarding the upcoming Work-A-Week Project, I'd appreciate if you could take a moment or two to do so. Thanks!!


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POLL: Work-A-Week 2013 Project!

View halloo!!

I'm gearing up for the 2013 Work-A-Week Project, but I need YOUR help to do it!

If you have a minute, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to vote in the poll linked below. LiveJournal accounts are not necessary to vote.

Thank you!

Work-A-Week Project Poll!


Thank You!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sketch-A-Day 2013: Day 27

Just a few days left to go!

*mild M/M content*

This isn't what I started out today's sketch with... I'd actually intended to do some more dragon drawing, but the large, scaly beasts weren't cooperating. Once, I stopped trying to force the dragon drawing thing, *this* showed up instead. I like them. They're sweet. :)


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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sketch-A-Day 2013: Day 26

Moving right along with Sketch 26!

... Uhm... I don't know. No, really. I have no idea what prompted this...


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Friday, January 25, 2013

Sketch-A-Day 2013: Day 25

View halloo, all!

We're in the home stretch of the 2013 Sketch-A-Day Project!

Now, it's time for more tea and a nap... this mutant cold just does not seem to want to let go. O.o;;


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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sketch-A-Day 2013: Day 24

View halloo!

Ok, back to regular daily posting for the 2013 Sketch-A-Day project for the remainder of the month.

The creative process is almost always painful, whether it be in the inspiration, the execution, or the putting it out there for the world to see and waiting for the rejection... or worse, the silence.


Monday, January 28th, I'm going to be posting a poll for the Work-A-Week project that I'll be starting in February to produce finished pieces from the Sketch-A-Day project pool. So, stay tuned for that if you'd like to participate!!


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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sketch-A-Day 2013: Days 17-22 and 23

View halloo!

I'm home from OhayoCon (returned home Monday night after a few unexpected delays, which had me arriving much later than originally anticipated) and was immediately walloped by a mutant head/chest cold thing... Con Crud has definitely taken up residence. Today is the first day I've been mostly conscious enough to go ahead and post the Sketch-A-Day drawings I finished while I was out of town.

I'm going to go ahead and post them as a batch, and include the Day 23 post for today. Hope you enjoy! :)

Day 17: It's a bit difficult to portray a deep space nebula with just a pencil and a white conte crayon, but that's what I was going for here... It would probably be a lot more effective image in full color, maybe with a smaller figure, too, to portray that sense of being so tiny.

Day 18: At the suggestion of my friend Amy, I did a water-woman to pair off with the fire-man I did earlier in the month.


Day 19: ... Uhm... just working through something...

Day 20: I'm hoping the idea that the crown is floating around his head is conveyed here, as that's what I was going for in the sketch.


Day 21: A'kahenna: a race of desert-dwelling djinn-like beings, usually swathed in layers of scarves and robes, but topless here, to get a view of the the glowing tattoos that wind their way around his body as his magic gets more powerful with age. His body also changes with his magic use, more magic manipulation results in more anthropomorphic traits. The body morphing reaches it's evolutionary conclusion when the mage displays horns, a tail, talons, and animal legs. They are then at the full strength of their powers.

In color, their eyes are glowing blue pupils and iris on blue sclera and the tattoos glow gold against their pure black skin.

Day 22: The captive demon concubine. He lives trapped in this form by the collar around his neck. The runes inscribed on it's surface keep him locked away from his true form, his magic, his kin, and his world on the other side of the Mirror.


Day 23:

Just something lighter and more of a snapshot. I rather like the domesticated creature-thing on the reins... dunno what it is, but I like it. :)

Whew... I am now caught up on the Sketch-A-Day posting I missed while I was at OhayoCon. Please let me know what you think of the new sketches, and I should now be back to regular posting through the end of the month, right on original schedule.


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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Sketch-A-Day 2013: Day 16

Day 16's offering for the Sketch-A-day Project

Here be dragons!

No, really! An abandoned city built on strangely floating boulders, now inhabited by dragons.

I really need some kind of universe for this one...

**Not sure if there will be a post for Day 17, as I leave EALRY in the morning for OhayoCon on Thursday. I will be doing my daily Sketch-A-Day drawing, I just won't be able to post them until I get back, which is LATE on Monday the 21st.**


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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sketch-A-Day 2013: Day 15

Sketch-A-Day Day 15 posted!

Back to something pastoral with horns and extremely "feathered" hooves... and more birdies.


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Monday, January 14, 2013

Sketch-A-Day 2013: Day 14

Two weeks down, two more to go! (give or take ;))

Well... they can't all be winners, right? I just could not seem to be happy with any of the things I started, so today's sketch is a rather apologetic Kit.... it's a bit of a cop-out, but it IS a sketch.... right?

Oh, the fail...

Anyway, comments are always welcome.


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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sketch-A-Day 2013: Day 13

Next up, Day 13:

Another head/bust, but today something more Harvest Goddess-esque... maybe Demeter, or Persephone when not in the underworld... maybe? Back to a bit more Art Nouveau styling going on here... if this gets finished one day, I'll definitely include some kind of Nouveau-like border/background/elements behind her.

Thoughts? Comments?


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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Sketch-A-Day 2013: Day 12

Day 12 offering posted!

This stopped being a "sketch" about thirty seconds after the idea took shape in my head... honestly, it still is a sketch, as I don't consider this finished, but it's far more refined than I'd usually do as a true preliminary for a finished piece.

As I noted during last year's Sketch-A-Day Project, the toned paper definitely encourages me to do more "complete" sketches, as opposed to the rough, directional lines I might ordinarily stop at if all I wanted was to get down the general idea.

So, here you go, one of nature's great dads (with some judicious leeway for anthropomorphic fantasy's sake): the seahorse. :)


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Friday, January 11, 2013

Sketch-A-Day 2013: Day 11

In the immortal words of Kermit the Frog and Fozzie Bear: Movin' right along (with day 11!)

*For the record, I DO have that song on my iPod... and I turn it up and sing along when it comes on. :)*

I've actually had this concept in mind for some time now... I just never sat down and "plotted" it out before. It's in at least 4 different sketchbooks as a series of notes. It's not where I envision it in my head, not even in the sketch stage, but, you have to start somewhere, right?


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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sketch-A-Day 2013: Day 10

Rolling along with day 10 and MOAR HORNZ....

"Lightbringer" ... I think... maybe. I do like the hornz. :)


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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sketch-A-Day 2013: Day 9

Day 9's offering posted!

Uhm... I don't know? Seriously, I have NO idea where this came from. But, let me say I will probably never work on red paper ever again. It sucks, and the scanner absolutely HATES it.

We've been having some DSL issues, so *please* let me know whether or not you can see this thumbnail. If not, the sketch has been uploaded to my deviantArt account, too, HERE

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sketch-A-Day 2013: Day 8

Day 8 of the Sketch-A-Day Project!

Tiny, insect-winged fae takes a break on a long stalk of grass as she looks over her home field.

(We're having issues with the DSL, so if you can't see the image, it is also posted on my deviantArt account HERE!

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Monday, January 7, 2013

Sketch-A-Day 2013: Day 7

One week down, 3 more to go!! :)

Lovely, curly-haired (!!) satyr-esque creature with her little dragon companion, with just a touch of Art Nouveau to round it out.

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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sketch A Day 2013: Day 6

Sketch-A-Day: Day 6

I don't often draw scenery or landscape... and now I remember why. *heh* Although, this sketch came complete with title when it popped into my head "Temple of the Forgotten."

It's not as grandiose as I envisioned in my mind, but I think that's because of the viewing angle. I need to change the perspective and raise the horizon line, so the viewer is standing well below the arches to get the mood I want.


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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sketch-A-Day 2013: Day 5

Day 5's offering ahead!

Well... this proves to me that my portrait-drawing skills are *really* rusty.... especially when it comes to noses, but she's not bad for working without a reference, I suppose... but, damn, noses are weird! >.<;;

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Friday, January 4, 2013

Sketch-A-Day 2013: Day 4

Keepin' on, keepin' on with Sketch-A-Day: Day 4!

I need to draw more men... I'm clearly out of practice. O.o;;;

So, man made of fire, controlling fire, becoming fire?


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