Wow, this will be the last State of the Artist for April... where does the time go? O.o Honestly, it feels like just yesterday I was kicking off this year's Sketch-A-Day Project. Be that as it may, it is Monday (albeit a rather soggy Monday here,) and that means it's time for another State of the Artist update!
Weekly Words
Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has ever known.
- Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
Current Project
I've just completed a couple of small, quick commissions (the client requested I not post them until the summer, when the project they were done for goes live) so that's actually taken most of my time this past week, hence no new art here, unfortunately.
I've got oodles of notes on new personal pieces I'd like to start that I just haven't had time to actually sketch out. The notes do help, though. If I can't sketch things out, at least I've got my major points for upcoming pieces. I find that even if I can take a few moments to jot down the idea for a project, I'm far more likely to actually start and finish it since there's a record of the inspiration. Often times, I find that when I finally get the time to go back to those notes, I end up being more thorough in their expansion, with a better grasp on what becomes the final product. If that makes any sense...
I don't know, really, every creative has their own process that is unique to them; that organic evolution of idea to rough to finished product. I'll dig some of my note pages up and post them if anyone is interested in seeing how that process happens for me.
I know a lot of people who follow this journal are extremely creative, what's YOUR process?
Shop Silvertales
Oh, goodness! After far too long a hiatus, there are New Products available in the Zazzle shop! *whew*
I've put up new products using some of this year's Work-a-Week pieces, namely the sleeping baby dragon and the seahorse merbabies! There are phone/tablet/ereader skins and cases, bags, mugs, cards, and many other products with these popular images on them!
Just in time for the upcoming Mother's Day, Zazzle has a 15% of ALL products deal to get your mom (or any mom) something wonderful. If you'd like to take advantage of the 15% off in my shop, or any other, please be aware the offer ends on Wednesday.
Shop Silvertales - the Sequel
A number of the popular Sketch-A-Day pieces from the 2013 project (and 2012!) are still available for purchase. If you'd like to own an original piece of my artwork or give one as a gift, but have never been able to make it to a convention or get an open commission slot, here's the perfect opportunity to take advantage of some inexpensively priced original art!
The pieces still available can be found: HERE! Please, be aware that because these are originals they are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. If you'd like a piece, I suggest you request it as soon as possible. I'm happy to discuss payment plans if you'd like to pick up multiple pieces!
Near Future
The Near Future sees work on personal pieces (including the painting for the popular Sketch-A-Day 2013 Day 31 -otherwise known as the demon woman in the bat-dress) and mail-in convention preparation (for which, I am woefully behind.)
Unfortunately, there will be no Silvertales table at Otakon's Artist Alley this year. The AA is chosen by lottery system, and I just didn't get a table this year, so I am unable to attend. I am very sorry, as I know I meet a lot of you all at Otakon, and it is a convention I enjoy a great deal.
I'm always on the lookout for other convention appearance opportunities, though, so if you've got a favorite convention to attend or suggest, please let me know!
I should be able to open up some commission slots for three more Moleskine covers before the end of May for those who let me know of their interest, so keep an eye out for that!
So, that's all, folks! Thanks for joining me for another State of the Artist update!