Monday, November 25, 2013

Holiday Card Request announcement!

View halloo, all!

Sorry for the "radio silence" lately, I've been plagued by the monsters known as illness and depression. We also had some veterinary concerns with the Quality Control Supervisor (Panda) over the last week or so. That said, this week's State of the Artist update has been preempted to bring you the annual Holiday Card Request post!

That's right, it's that time again, Holiday Cards will be mailed out next month, and if you'd like to receive one, it's very simple! I don't know about anybody else, but I LOVE getting cards/letters in the mail, it's a small way of brightening someone's day and making the shuffling through bills and junk mail a little more enjoyable. Anyone can request a card to be received in the mail!

A. Please leave your mailing address at THIS LJ POST: HERE (comments are screened for privacy, no one will see your address but you -as the respondent- and me.)

B. Even if you've requested cards in the past, if you'd like a card this year, you MUST leave your address in the LJ post ONLY. I don't keep addresses past the date I mail holiday cards. (Don't email me your address, don't text message me your address... leave it in the LJ post comments.)

C. Donations are NOT required, but they ARE appreciated. Last year's Holiday Card Request post garnered over 350+ requests for cards to be mailed all over the world, and THREE donations, which I greatly appreciated! Needless to say, cards almost didn't go out last year. Depending on how this year's requests vs donations play out, this may be the last year the Holiday Card Request post follows this format. Next year may result in a kickstarter project or requiring payment in order to be certain card production and postage can be funded.

The Holiday Card Request post this year has a severely truncated open request time limit. The Holiday Card Request post will be open for new requests through midnight ET on Friday, December 5th.

If you'd like to receive a Holiday Card this year, please go ahead and leave your mailing address HERE and if you'd like to make a donation to help offset the cost of card production and postage, please click the donation button below!

Become a patron of the arts!

Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!

Monday, November 11, 2013

State of the Artist 11/11/2013

View halloo, all!

Just going to jump right in with the fact that today is Veteran's Day here in the States, or Remembrance Day/Armistice Day, if you prefer. In 1954 Armistice Day became Veteran's Day in the US and the concept expanded to include veterans of all conflicts in which US troops had served.

The saying is true, freedom isn't free, and the sacrifices made by the men and women who have served, currently serve, and their families, should never be taken for granted. Coming from a long line of military service members, my thanks, my eternal gratitude, and my undying respect for all you do to protect the lives and freedoms of those at home and abroad.

Weekly Words

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
- John F. Kennedy, 1917 - 1963

Current Project

I feel rather silly posting this SotA at all, really, since the the Current Project is the Holiday Card artwork, which I don't reveal until after Christmas... O.o I know I promised the Holiday Card Request post was coming...and, it IS... I'm just trying to figure out a way to make sure it doesn't become a financial burden I can't handle. If anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears!

BUT... here, have a random elf doodle! :)

Truly random elf doodle, on toned gray paper with white pencil for highlights. The more I work on these toned papers, the less I work on plain white sketchbook paper anymore!

Near Future

I PROMISE, the Holiday Card Request post IS coming....

As a result, the Near Future consists of:

-the request post
-finishing the Holiday Card artwork
-mailing out November's Monthly Postcard when it arrives this week (fingers crossed)
-completing December's Monthly Postcard
-making headway on the second set of Comics Nouveau pieces
-making headway on the newest personal art piece on the drawing board. (Pics to come!)

Well, I think that's all for this week's State of the Artist update here on Planet Kit.

I thank you for joining me again this week! Feedback is the food which fuels the creative discussion between Artist and Audience, please, feel free to comment or leave suggestions for new projects!

If you enjoy seeing posts of new or in-progress artwork, please consider a donation.

Become a patron of the arts!

Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!

Monday, November 4, 2013

State of the Artist 11/4/2013

View halloo!

A bit later than my usual Monday postings, I know, but it is still Monday here on Planet Kit, so I'm not late! :) I know I said I'd have the Holiday card Request post up before this week's State of the Artist, but that just didn't end up happening. There's been a whole raft of maintenance issues on the Home Front to take care of over the last week. It's almost like everything in the house decided to go on strike all at once! I plan to have it posted this week, however, so be on the lookout!

That said, let's get on with the update, and it's going to be a woefully short one this week!

Weekly Words

From the body of one guilty deed a thousand ghostly fears and haunting thoughts proceed.
- William Wordsworth, 1770 - 1850

Current Project

While my Current Projects include working on the November postcard image and getting things set up for the Holiday Card Request post, I do have a new personal piece in the works... sort of.

Unfortunately, there are no images, as I'm having difficulties with transferring my original sketch to a suitable substrate without altering the original sketch lines. I PLAN (and I say plan loosely, as plans change once they go from concept to practice) to complete the newest piece in watercolors, but it's larger than I usually work in this medium.

Ordinarily, I would run the paper through my printer to transfer a washed out scan of my original pencils to the surface... however, I'm working on hot press illustration board that is too wide for the printer and is a much thicker, more rigid surface than watercolor paper.

Any of you out there have any suggestions for another transfer method, please let me know!

Monthly Postcard Project

The September Monthly Postcard Project image is available for sale to the general public!

The September image is 5.5"x8.5" ink and watercolor on watercolor paper, $25USD + shipping ($6USD domestic US/$9USD international.) If interested, please send an email with silvertales[at]gmail[dot]com with "September Monthly Postcard Project original" in the subject line.

Near Future

As mentioned, the Near Future brings the November postcard original, along with the plans for the Holiday Card request post. I also hope to have the next four pieces in the Comic Nouveau series done before Christmas! *fingers crossed*

As, I'm now officially done with convention appearances for 2013, hopefully, there will be more time to work on new personal art and open up a few commission slots, as well!

Well, I think that's all for this week's State of the Artist update here on Planet Kit.

I thank you for joining me again this week! Feedback is the food which fuels the creative discussion between Artist and Audience, please, feel free to comment or leave suggestions for new projects!

If you enjoy seeing posts of new or in-progress artwork, please consider a donation.

Become a patron of the arts!

Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!