Monday, September 24, 2012

State of the Artist 9/24/2012

View halloo, all.

Well, it's been yet another Real Life week on Planet Kit, some good, some... not so good, but that's life, right? But, it's Monday, so it's time for another State of the Artist update!

Things don't change, but by and by our wishes change. - Marcel Proust, 1871 - 1922


Current Project

... and now for something completely different....

I debated about posting this particular piece because it is significantly different from the things I normally do/post, but it was a commission that I enjoyed working on a great deal due to it's significantly different nature.

My client has waited *mumbledy-mumbles* for this, very patiently, I might add, as it took me quite some time to figure out how to complete this particular type of open-ended commission.

There is something far more viscerally satisfying about working with a full-body medium, like acrylics, than say markers or watercolors. That's not to detract from either markers or watercolors, but standing before a canvas with a riot of colorful blobs of acrylic paint and a palette knife in your hand, forces you to approach your medium with a completely different mindset and attitude, particularly if the commission request is an abstract. There is something freeing about manipulating big blobs and streaks of paint into forceful swipes and creating soft-peaked textures on canvas.

It's a lot like going back to kindergarten and just letting yourself go, back before people told you things had to look a certain way and had to follow set rules.

Actually, since I smeared around a lot of this paint with my hands, it's *exactly* like that.

Working on this piece was extremely rewarding, even if I do have to put it in a box and ship it off.


Near Future

I have more commissions to complete before I can open up the queue to new requests. I've had a few inquiries, so I will definitely post when I've opened up the queue, though.

I hope to finish at least one new piece before Necronomicon next month, but right now it's hard to say how things will progress over the next few weeks.

I have a Holiday Card design to come up with so I can post a call for requests a little later in the year, I'm thinking mid-October-ish.

OhayoCon table is paid for, OhayoCon hotel arrangements made, so all that's left is travel arrangements and OhayoCon will be a go in mid-January!


Thank you for joining me for another State of the Artist update, as always I appreciate feedback and responses, and a LiveJournal account is not necessary to comment on this journal.

Next week, should be WIP pics of "The Eastern Star," 2nd in the "Lofty Pursuits" airship brothel crew!


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Monday, September 17, 2012

State of the Artist 9/17/2012

View halloo!! Sorry for missing the State of the Artist update last week, but it's been a busy and hectic few weeks on Planet Kit, and, honestly, nothing got done last week that wasn't random Real Life random red tape-ness. Thank you to those who asked after me and kept me entertained and buoyed when things got to me, you know who you are. Weekly Words In youth we learn; in age we understand. -Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, 1830 - 1916 Current Project
More commission works being churned out and sent off, in lieu of being able to work on anything personal at the moment. There's a strange push-pull relationship between working on commission work and working on personal pieces. The commission/professional work feeds the wallet (and hence, pays bills) while the personal expunges the soul, making room for new inspirations to claw their way free... and, it is mostly clawing. There are times when it becomes exceedingly difficult to work up enthusiasm for my own work. The final commission in a series of black and white ink wash pieces is on it's way to it's buyer, and I can only hope he's happy with the final results!
Near Future The Near Future sees more commission work progress (hopefully) and prepping for Necronomicon coming up in October. I hope to start posting WIP posts of "The Eastern Star" soon, let me know if you'd like to see those!
If you enjoy seeing posts of new or in-progress artwork, please consider a donation.
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Monday, September 3, 2012

State of the Artist 9/3/2012

View halloo! It's Monday, so it's time for another State of the Artist update, catching up with what's going on on Planet Kit. Weekly Words Peace is not something you wish for; it's something you make, something you do, something you are, something you give away. -Robert Fulghum (1937- ) Current Project
About a month ago or so, I posted what seems to have become one of my most popular sketches, that of "Georgie," the strange lizard-dog-creature-thing I was commissioned for during Florida SuperCon at the beginning of July. Well, he's done! I am so ridiculously pleased with how he came out, as is my client (even better!) He looks exactly as I pictured him in my head when given the description. He just seemed to flow onto the page from sketch to ink to color, he was probably one of the smoothest commissions I've ever completed. I have to admit, a part of me was loath to part with him, I enjoyed working on him so much! But, I have a happy client, and that makes me extremely happy. :)
Near Future Still planning to attend Necronomicon in Tampa, FL in October, but it seems as though there will be no 2012 Sketch-A-Day sketchbook to have on hand for the table. I know nothing about page/book layout for print, so it seems some research must be done before I tackle launching that Kickstarter, although I still have plans to do it! Next up, though, are more backlogged commissions and a Holiday Card design for this year. My card designs always include Panda and myself, but I'm definitely in the market for suggestions for themes or settings, so, if you've got a suggestion or two, go ahead and let me know! Thanks for joining me for another State of the Artist update, and thank you for your comments and input!
If you enjoy seeing posts of new or in-progress artwork, please consider a donation.
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