Monday, April 30, 2012

State of the Artist 4/30/2012

View halloo, peoples!

It's Monday, and that means time for the regularly scheduled State of the Artist update!

Weekly Words

This is here, and this is now; it's the moment that we live for and we just can't live without.
It's all clear to me now, we've already started dying and our time is running out."

lyrics: Here and Now -Great Big Sea

Current Project

Finished one of the commissions sitting in my queue (yay!) It was for a series of 3 small ink wash 2-character paintings from an original short story. I really enjoyed the story, and so, was happy to take on the commission and complete this project.

It's been quite a while since I've done ink washes, but I'm rather pleased with how these came out. As always, clicking the thumbnails opens the larger files.

*there is some mild, fluffy m/m interaction in the following set of images*

Near Future

The Near Future sees more commission work on the table, and I've been poking around at some original pieces to work on during breaks from commission work and when they're all done so I'll have some new artwork come summer convention rush. I've been sadly less productive in terms of original artwork this year than I was this time last year, but, so it goes, right?

Also, should be prepping for some upcoming conventions, but just have too much other *stuff* going on at the moment, but I still have some time before I really need to start cracking down on travel arrangements and such.

Anyway, that's it for this week's State of the Artist update! Thank you for joining me here, as always, feel free to leave comments on any post in this journal, LJ accounts are not required. Hope to see you here again next week!

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