It's Monday, which means it's time for another State of the Artist update here on Planet Kit! :)
This past weekend saw the Holiday Card artwork sent off to the printer and my card order placed! Yay!
There were a few donations made in the last week, and I thank you all for making them. They are greatly appreciated in alleviating the cost of production and postage, particularly in light of the number of requests. I've never seen that many requests before!
Now, if only I could get 50% of that on my actual art posts!
Don't worry, I'm not going to hold my breath.
Weekly Words
We'd get sick on too many cookies, but ever so much sicker on no cookies at all. - Sinclair Lewis, 1885 - 1951
I found this quote particularly meaningful today, as I was lamenting my lack of cookies. I am a very sad Kit without any cookies. It's a simple joy, but ever so important. Life would be dull and dreary without those simple indulgences.
I think today is a "bake cookies" kind of day....
Current Project
I am excited to announce the launch of a new project: the Monthly Postcard Subscription Project!
I don't know about you, but my mailbox is usually full of bills and junk mail.
It always puts a smile on my face to see something personal in my mailbox instead. In the hopes of putting smiles on other people's faces when they go get the mail, I'm launching this postcard subscription service. :)
For the cost of about 2 coffeehouse lattes every month, you can receive a postcard in your mailbox featuring new, exclusive, limited-edition artwork! You'll also have exclusive access to purchase the original artwork before it's released to the public!
The service is available in 12, 6, and 3 month durations for US and international subscribers, you can even order a subscription as a gift! Once you sign up, payment is collected monthly for ease of tracking, and only for as many months as you signed up.
If you'd like to know more, or sign up, please check out the subscription service page at: silvertales subscriptions!
Please be aware that postcards will not start mailing until January of 2013.
Shop Silvertales
SO many new products posted over at the Zazzle shop! Everything from laptop bags to sleeves to skins to mugs to cards to even a few onesies, featuring new and classic silvertales art!
Today (Monday, November 19th) is also the last day to take advantage of Zazzle's '15% off ALL orders' coupon code: FALLIINTOSAVE. Offer ends at 11:59pm Pacific Time. Don't forget to check out Zazzle Black, for $10 a year, you get free shipping on all orders, all year! Zazzle also allows you to start a WishList and tell friends and family. :)
Near Future
I've gotten a few positive responses to the idea of a Silvertales Sketch-A-Day sketchbook idea, so I'm still batting the logistics of that project around. Please let me know if you're interested in this project, I need to see if it's worth it to do it.
I'm also pondering the logisitics of offering small, livestreamed commissions maybe once-a-month, depending on convention schedules, where you can request a small commission (probably between $20-$60) and watch it come to life in real time via a live stream. What do you all think?
Family and holiday plans are taking up most of my time right now, as we're well into That Time Of Year, so that's mostly what my Near Future consists of!
For my fellow Americans, Happy Thanksgiving This Coming Weekend, and for everyone else, I hope you have a safe and happy week!
Conventions and Appearances
There are no further convention appearances for 2012, but I will be making my first 2013 convention appearance at:
OhayoCon in Columbus, OH January 18-20!
I will have a table in the Artist Alley (I'll post my table location once I'm told) so if you'll be there, come say hi, buy some art, or commission something original! :)
If you enjoy seeing new project or sneak peeks at WIP photos, please consider a donation!
Thank you for joining me for another State of the Artist update!
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