Wow, this will be the last State of the Artist update for September... where does the time go?!
Be that as it may, it is actually a SUNNY Monday here on Planet Kit, for a change! It's definitely a good thing, as I was starting to feel rather waterlogged here. Anywhoodles, on with the update!
Weekly Words
The search for happiness is one of the chief sources of unhappiness.
- Eric Hoffer, 1902 - 1983
Current Project
It's on to Round Two of the Comic Nouveau Project, and so, the first batch of Marvel characters are on the drawing board!
TOP LEFT: Storm. Ororo Munroe, resident weather goddess. This is her Earth-616 costume and 'hawk hair.Storm has been through a boatload of costume/hair changes over the years, but if I wasn't going to do the 90's cartoon costume this is the one that appealed to me the most. There still needs a little tweaking before I'm 100% satisfied, but these are early stage sketches for the finished pencils.
TOP RIGHt: Phoenix. Jean Grey, telepath and telekinetic. I haven't decided on whether this will be the red-and-gold costume or the green-and-gold... either way, she was a much stronger character from a development and storytelling standpoint as Phoenix than as her otherwise perpetual second-fiddle role as Cyclops' wife.
TOP LEFT: Wolverine. Logan, adamantium-fused skeleton, short, grumpy, and chain smokes cigars like they're going out of style. Resident Canadian. I struggled with Wolverine a great deal. I've long been a fan of the X-Men (well, certain incarnations of the title) and, as such, had a concrete headcannon regarding Wolverine and none of the sketches I was playing with were making me happy. I think I went through 7 iterations of Wolverine before I ended up here (which is actually the FIRST sketch of Wolverine I produced, with a handful of tweaks.) I'm still working on refining the costume, so this rough sketch is no where near ready to be cleaned up for final pencils.
TOP RIGHT: Gambit. Remy LeBeau, resident Ragin' Cajun. Out of the plethora of Marvel characters, Gambit is my absolute favorite (another character TPTB insist on %*%&$ing around with... mostly with regards to the disastrous relationship with Rogue they keep insisting on pushing. It's truly painful and keeps messing with his characterization.) This is the second sketch for Gambit. The first one was ok, but just didn't have that Gambit *feel* for me.
Monthly Postcard Project
The Monthly Postcard Project is still going strong, new artwork produced every month for delivery to people's mailboxes! The August Monthly Postcard Project original is available for sale to the general public!
This piece is 5.5x8.8" on toned art paper completed in ink, white ink, and marker. The original is available for $30USD + $6USD for domestic US shipping or $9USD for international shipping.
Please reply here, or send an email to silvertales[at]gmail[dot]com with "August Monthly Postcard original" in the subject line if interested.
Near Future
Aside from working on October's Monthly Postcard Project original, the 2013 Holiday Card Project original, and round 2 of the Comic Nouveau Project, the near future sees me preparing for a convnetion appearance at Necronomicon in Tampa, FL October 18-20 with MCA Hogarth!
Well, I think that's all for this week's State of the Artist update here on Planet Kit.
I thank you for joining me again this week! Feedback is the food which fuels the creative discussion between Artist and Audience, please, feel free to comment or leave suggestions for new projects!
Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!