It's yet *another* soggy Monday here on Planet Kit... yes, summer is the raining season for South Florida, but this is ridiculous. I swear, it's been raining nearly every day since mid-April. -.-;;; But, be that as it may, though it's a little late, it's time for the State of the Artist update, so here we go!
Weekly Words
It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.
-Herman Melville, 1819 - 1891
Current Project
So, last week, I posted the line art for the first set of the "comics nouveau" series I've started. There's been a number of Real Life interruptions, that precluded them all being done by now, but, I'll have the finished 4 posted for next week's State of the Artist, after PalmCon this Saturday.
TOP LEFT: Batman in his full grayscale "glory," as it were. For all 4 I decided to go with the DC's New52 costume redesigns, and I'm not entirely sure why... O.o
TOP RIGHT: Nightwing in New52 color... I have to admit, I had a thing for the pre-boot Nightwing's shoulder stripes, so I know that's why I went with the latest redesign for Nightwing. Thanks to Brett Booth for bringing back the fingerstripes... even if they are red this time around.
TOP LEFT: Superman's New52 redesign (by Jim Lee)... which looks a bit more structured than his previous renditions. Clark has definitely got his whole Primary Color Scheme going on, though.
TOP RIGHT: Wonder Woman's New 52 redesign (also by Jim Lee,) still keeping the shorts and bustier.
I've been poking at the next three for the series: Gambit, Storm, and Wolverine (Marvel) and I've got a couple of starting sketches I think will work well... if I could just get Wolverine to cooperate, then everything would be fine. -.-;;;
If there is interest, I'll take print orders for these after PalmCon.
Near Future
Well, the very Near Future sees me manning my Artist table (#16) at PalmCon this Saturday, September 21st at the Palm Beach County Convention Center. It's a one day con, and it will be my first appearance at this convention, so if you'll be attending, please come by and say hi!
October sees me appearing at Necronomicon in Tampa, FL, October 18-20, where I'll be sharing a table with MCA Hogarth for the weekend! The trilogy I did the covers for will be available for purchase at her table, along with many, many other titles, most of which feature her own artwork on their covers! Come by and say hi!
In between these conventions (and afterwords) I'll be working on expanding the Comic Nouveau series, along with continuing the Monthly Postcard Project and gearing up for the 2013 Holiday Card Project. I should be posting the open request for the Holiday Card Project in mid-October, and keeping it open through mid-November. So, be on the lookout for information about that project!
Well, I think that's all for this week's State of the Artist update here on Planet Kit.
I thank you for joining me again this week! Feedback is the food which fuels the creative discussion between Artist and Audience, please, feel free to comment or leave suggestions for new projects!
Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!
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