It was an overcast day here on Planet!Kit, but a productive one! It's Monday, and that means it's time for the State of the Artist update, so, let's get to it!
Weekly Words
I am, as I am; whether hideous, or handsome, depends upon who is made judge.
-Herman Melville, 1819 - 1891
And, I will always be my harshest judge.
Current Project
So, I've embarked upon Inktober this year (well, sort of...) The Inktober Project "officially" has 2 options: The Long Run (one inked drawing every day for the month of October,) or The 5K Plan (one inked drawing a week for the month of October.) I'm not doing either of those options. I'm sort of making it up as I go. I know, typical Kit. :)
I'm working on the "whenever I have the time/inclination/impetus/inspiration to churn out an inked doodle" plan. Out of the 7 days of October so far, I've done 4... so, I figure I'm ahead of the curve for the 5K Plan, so I'm in good shape.
I'm sort of hacking these out in between working on the 2nd set of Comics Nouveau pieces, setting up a new 11x17" personal piece I hope to have done soon, the October Monthly Postcard Project artwork (which is technically an Inktober piece, but you won't see it until November unless you're a Monthly Postcard subscriber,) the plans for the 2013 Holiday Card Project, and prepping for Necronomicon next weekend.
But, enough blabber... the four completed Inktober pieces:
TOP LEFT: Inktober #1 is just a simple 3/4 ink doodle of a woman in a bustle dress.
TOP RIGHT: Inktober #2, a Baron Samedi-painted VooDoo priestess.
TOP LEFT: The oddly popular "Polar Bears in SPAAACE" that was prompted by a comment on my FB page over the weekend. (By popular demand, this image is available in my Zazzle store on t-shirts, cards, and laptop skins. If you'd like to see this, or other designs, on other merchandise, please let me know!)
TOP RIGHT: Random DRAGONS! Who doesn't love dragons, right?
Shop Silvertales
As mentioned above, the Polar Bears in SPAAACE is available in the store:
Laptop Skins:
Near Future
Near Future sees more work on the second set of Comic Nouveau pieces. I've got the enlargements done, so they're sitting at 11x17" ready to go!
I'm sure there will be more Inktober stuff this month.
The Holiday Card Project is approaching, so I'll be opening up the request list for cards soon, along with details about this year's project.
Next weekend (October 18-20) sees me in Tampa, FL, sharing a table with MCA Hogarth at Necronomicon on campus at USF!
Well, I think that's all for this week's State of the Artist update here on Planet Kit.
I thank you for joining me again this week! Feedback is the food which fuels the creative discussion between Artist and Audience, please, feel free to comment or leave suggestions for new projects!
Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!
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