It's hard to believe we're already in the month of July, isn't it? Where has the time gone?! But, be that as it may, it is Monday and so it is time for another State of the Artist update!
Weekly Words
Just as appetite comes by eating, so work brings inspiration, if inspiration is not discernible at the beginning.
- Igor Stravinsky, 1882 - 1971
I know one of my own pitfalls as an artist is consistency. Mostly in actually producing work. I can see the difference when I start my Sketch-A-Day projects and the rest of the year... while working on the Sketch-A-Day project, I'm always drawing, even if it's something I'm not too happy with, I'm *always* drawing. Once the project is over, I find myself taking a break and get out of the habit of daily drawing. This leads to longer stretches where I'm not drawing, which leads to even longer stretches where I'm not drawing... making it harder to get back into drawing and even harder to get back into drawing things that I'm happy with the general direction.
The art of drawing is like working a muscle. The more you do it, the more muscle memory starts to take over and things become more fluid, more effortless.
On that note, I've decided to launch the Sketch-A-Day project again in September. I do hope you'll join me for it! Please, feel free to leave suggestions for themes/characters (of mine)/genres you'd like to see! (Please do not ask for fanart, I prefer to keep the Sketch-A-Day project an original art only project.)
Current Project
Well, I'm currently preparing for Florida SuperCon this coming weekend, so I'm rather swamped with organization and packing stuff up. I've got two rather large commission projects on the horizon and having them hanging out there in the near future has rather run me head first into a block.
But, I have doodled out a few random things over the past week or so. (Please forgive the camera phone pictures.) All of these are done in a small 5.5x8.5" sketchbook.
LEFT: Just a random dragon head doodled in my 5.5x8.5" Toned Tan sketchbook. I'm glad I picked up one of these in the smaller size, as it's easier to cart around in my bag than my usual 9x12"
RIGHT: Quickie 20 minute tiger head sketch, using Terracotta tinted graphite and white colored pencil. I wanted to keep the focus in the center with the face and get progressively less detailed and softer as I moved out toward the edges. I think it worked...
LEFT: Yet another random doodle of... I have no idea. She just sort of evolved on the page. >.< RIGHT: I call this one Random Doodle No. 4. -.-;;; another "evolved on the page" type drawing. I picture him on fire at the feet, tail, and head. Probably MUCH darker in skin tone than I've done here, but I put him on a Toned Gray paper just to play around with it.
Monthly Postcard Project
The May monthly postcard original is ready to post!
Original is 5x8 done in ink, markers, white pencil, and white ink. I love drawing skulls.
The original is available for sale for $25USD + $6/$10 shipping domestic/international.
The Monthly Postcard Project is designed to send subscribers exclusive, original art postcards in their mailbox every month. If you'd like to sign up for the project, or know more, please check out the info page HERE!
Near Future
Florida SuperCon is here in Miami this coming weekend, and I'll be having a table in the Artist Alley all four days (Thursday-Sunday,) so if you're attending the con come stop by, say hi, pick up a few prints, or commission something original!
Once the con is done, I've got to get in gear on standing commission orders! I'm definitely excited about both projects, but I'm always apprehensive before I tackle commission projects, as I never really know what I'm doing until I start doing it. >.< Well, I think that's all for this week's State of the Artist update here on Planet Kit. I thank you for joining me again this week! Feedback is the food which fuels the creative discussion between Artist and Audience, please, feel free to comment or leave suggestions for new projects!
If you enjoy seeing posts of new or in-progress artwork, please consider a donation.
Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!
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