Monday, July 22, 2013

State of the Artist: 7/22/2013

View halloo, all!

I'm terribly sorry about not having a State of the Artist post last Monday, or last week at all. I was busy working on a project, and there were a few other Real Life things going on. But, the project is done (it will show up in an upcoming State of the Artist update) and said other Real Life things are still churning away, but that's just the way it is, right?

So, all that said, I am overdue for a new State of the Artist update, and it's Monday, so here we go!

Weekly Words

Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy.
- Joseph Campbell, 1904 - 1987

Woe be unto ye if you run afoul of your computer... for it will, in no uncertain terms, make life extremely difficult. The most important rules I've learned when dealing with computers?

Backup. Backup. Backup.

I backup files often and have multiple redundancies... particularly finished art files and WIP files. Whoooboy, that was a lesson learned the hard way many years ago. >.<;;; Current Project

As I said, the most recent finished project will show up in a future State of the Artist post, probably next week's, so right now I'll post the *very* preliminary sketches of what I'm hoping will be a series of pieces completed in time for NYCC.

* * * *

From left -> right are DC Comics's Big Three: Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman.
(Please forgive the somewhat blurry camera phone pics)

Like I said, I'm hoping to have a series of both DC and Marvel pieces done in time for NYCC later this year (or next year's MegaCon, if I don't get a table at NYCC.) I'm not sure how many pieces this series will eventually contain, but I do know there are a handful of other DC characters I'd like to include before I'm done. (Nightwing is a guaranteed character... I can't possibly do a series of DC comic art without drawing my favorite character!)

If you all have any suggestions for other DC or Marvel characters (I already plan on Wolverine and Storm) for the series, please let me know in the comments! :)

Shop Silvertales

The Zazzle store is having a 50% of ALL device cases sale today (Monday only,) so, if you've ever wanted a sleeping baby dragon case for your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, or the Gentlecephalopod on a device case, head on over to the Zazzle store and use code: MONDAYCASE72 during the check out process!

Shop Silvertales

Near Future

As I mentioned above, I'm hoping to pass the jury selection process and secure a table at NYCC this October, but in the meantime, I'll be appearing at the following conventions:

AFO: Orlando, FL 8/16-8/18
PalmCon: West Palm Beach, FL 9/21

If you'll be attending either event, come by and say hi!

I've also got a rather large, and exciting, commission project coming up soon, another set of abstract acrylic paintings, so stay tuned for more information on those if you're interested in seeing more abstracts!

Well, I think that's all for this week's State of the Artist update here on Planet Kit.

I thank you for joining me again this week! Feedback is the food which fuels the creative discussion between Artist and Audience, please, feel free to comment or leave suggestions for new projects!

If you enjoy seeing posts of new or in-progress artwork, please consider a donation.

Become a patron of the arts!

Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!


  1. I would be interested in seeing your interpretation of The X-Men's "Gambit."

    1. I'd love to tackle Gambit... artistically speaking, of course. :)

      As a long-time Gambit fan, I'm rather ashamed of myself that I didn't immediately think to put him on the list.
