Monday, March 11, 2013

State of the Artist 3/11/2013

View halloo, all!

Welcome to the first State of the Artist post of 2013! The January Sketch-A-Day and resulting Work-A-Week Projects are now done, so it's time to get back to the regular weekly postings!

Weekly Words

We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out.

-Ray Bradbury, 1920 - 2012

Every day we take in everything around us, filter it, and pour back out those things that speak to us, altered by our own colors.

Current Project

As I said in the intro, the big projects for the early half of the year are now done and over, and thank you for joining me for both the Sketch-A-Day and Work-a-Week Project, and for comments left. Feedback is vital to the creative process, it's all give and take!

While working on both the Sketch-A-Day and Work-A-Week projects, I also managed to finish two commissions! *whew*

Unfortunately, there is no new art this week (which is weird after posting so much art over the last 2 months!), as I'm in the middle of preparing for MegaCon this coming weekend, and next week will probably see a con report of some kind.

Near Future

As stated, I've got my first of the big conventions of the year this coming weekend:

MegaCon March 15-17, Orlando, FL

If you're going to be attending, or in town, come stop by my table location at Green 13, say hi, buy a print or original, or commission me at the convention!

So, that's all for this week's State of the Artist, thank you for joining me for this update!

If you enjoy seeing posts of new or in-progress artwork, please consider a donation.

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Feel free to post links to this journal/community if you feel there might be interest in my artwork!

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