Monday, April 9, 2012

State of the Artist: 4/9/2012

View halloo, peoples!

It's Monday, and that means it's time for another State of the Artist update!

Weekly Words

You cannot force ideas. Successful ideas are the result of slow growth. Ideas do not reach perfection in a day, no matter how much study is put upon them.

-Alexander Graham Bell, 1847 - 1922

Ah... the gift of patience, with which some are blessed and others of us must work very hard at cultivating.

Current Project

Still hard at work on commission projects, so there has been little to no time for personal artwork, but I'm hoping to get some artwork transferred to board *some* time this week, if for no other reason than to encourage myself to buckle down on these commissions.

The pieces up for transfer consideration are:

The Archivist
Day 8, 2011

Eventually, I do hope to have them all transferred to work on, it's just a matter of which one I feel like tackling first.


Last week, outside of my regular posting schedule, I popped online to propose a quick poll for a possible future project to be produced via Kickstarter. (I really didn't not intend all the alliteration!)

If you missed Friday's post, please take a moment to consider voting in the poll and/or leaving a comment: HERE. Thank you!

Near Future

I will be attending Florida SuperCon: Miami, FL June 29-July 2 with a table in the Artist Alley. Come by, say hi, buy a print or order a commission!

Thank you for joining me on this rather short State Of The Artist update!

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