Monday, December 31, 2012

State of the Artist 12/31/2012

View halloo, all!

Well, this is it, the LAST State of the Artist update for 2012! :)

Wow... where did the year go?


Weekly Words

Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.

- Helen Keller (1880-1968)


Current Project

Today is December 31, so tomorrow sees the kick-off the 2013 Sketch-A-Day Project! YAY!

Thank you to everyone who provided prompts to last week's post, there have been a lot of great replies! I'm both excited to start the project, and a bit nervous!

Last year I completed most of the sketches on toned paper, and I had a number of great responses, along with that small change generally leading to more complete sketches, so I'll be doing that again this year. I think it worked out quite well!

January also sees the launch of the Monthly Postcard Subscription Service! Again, I'll admit to being both excited and nervous about this project! This is very new for me, but I do hope those of you who have signed up will enjoy getting a new postcard in the mail with exclusive art!

If you'd like to sign up, or for more information, please be sure to check out the Postcard Subscription Service Info page!

Also, please be aware that if you sign up after the 7th of the month, your first postcard will arrive the following month. In order to make sure postcards arrive at international locations before the end of the month, all print ordering will be done by the 7th of each month.


Shop Silvertales

Shop Silvertales

2013 should see new items being uploaded to the Zazzle shop as the year goes on. If there is anything you'd like to see on a Zazzle product, be it a mug/phone case/magnet/whatever, please let me know!

Zazzle is having a "Make Your 2013" sale with 50-30% off cards and phone cases!


Near Future

Conventions and Appearances

First con up this year is OhayoCon: Columbus, OH January 18-20 so there will be a slight gap in the sketch-A-Day Project posting, but I'll be sure to get those sketches up once I get back.

If you'll be attending the convention, come visit me in the Artist Alley!


If you enjoy seeing new project or sneak peeks at WIP photos, please consider a donation!
Become a patron of the arts!


Thank you for joining me for another State of the Artist update!

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