Tuesday, May 14, 2013

State of the Artist 5/14/2013

View halloo, all!

It's Tuesday, which means it's time for another State of the Artist update (and I'm late!) :)

Weekly Words

Only by investing and speaking your vision with passion can the truth, one way or another, finally penetrate the reluctance of the world.

- Søren Kierkegaard, 1813 - 1855

As people, we are complex creatures with many passions. We share those passions in an attempt to make connections with others. We *need* those connections to expand the human experience: joy, happiness, sadness, revulsion, wonder, disillusionment, the entire range of what we experience, when shared, expands the experience of living.

I share my visions with all of you, some poignant, some silly, some emotionally wrenching, some irreverent, in the hopes that I can connect with you somehow. Most of the time, I founder in the vast white noise of the internet, waiting for that connection to be made or acknowledged.

Current Project

I'm working on another abstract acrylic painting commission, and that's been good for countering the frustration of a lack of emotional release I've been experiencing recently. I noticed with the last abstract I completed, that the very nature of a project that has no concrete or definitive subject, but is simply the capturing of emotional expression, is both cathartic and frustrating in and of itself.

The catharsis is simple to understand. Abstracts are an easy way to let your emotions explode on canvas, let them paint through you. Frustration is a bit harder to explain. Like I said, abstracts are great for that emotional release, and, as such, I tend to want to work BIG for abstracts. But, I rarely finish a painting in one sitting, so the emotion that is at the forefront when I *start* the painting, is not usually present all the time, hence, abstracts (at least for me) require certain moods in order to feel like I'm actually accomplishing what I *want* to as opposed to slapping paint on the canvas for the sake of finishing the commission. The latter is very unsatisfying.

I have no idea if that even makes sense outside my own mind. >.< On a completely superficial note, a snapshot of a personal project I've been toying with for a while:

Monthly Postcard Project

The postcards arrived two whole days earlier than projected this month, so I'll be mailing them out Tuesday afternoon!

If you're enjoying the project, please spread the word! The project has been an interesting experiment so far, and while I'm enjoying it, I'm not sure if it will continue beyond this inaugural year.

The Monthly Postcard Project began as an extension of the annual Holiday Card Project, which was the simple idea of providing a holiday card to anyone who asked, asking (not requiring) only for donations.

This sparked the idea of why not offer people original and exclusive art postcards in their mailbox every month?

If you'd like to know more, or sign up for the project, please read the permanent information FAQ posted: HERE!

Shop Silvertales

There are still a number of the very popular Sketch-A-Day original drawings available for sale! If there was a sketch you particularly wanted for yourself, or as a gift, please check out the remaining pieces HERE!

Shop Silvertales

As I believe I mentioned in an earlier State of the Artist update, the Zazzle store was updated with products featuring the sleeping baby dragon and seahorse pieces from February's Work-a-Week Project, but there are oodles of other art pieces available on all kinds of products from mugs to bags to iPhone/iPad cases, to eReader skins and the list goes on!

Near Future

As I mentioned in my Current Project segment, I've got an acrylic abstract painting commission sitting on my kitchen table, ready and waiting for me to hit my stride.

I've got a small book cover commission in the negotiation stages at the moment, too.

Other than that, I'm tooling away at my personal doodles, in the middle of transferring my Sketch-A-Day 2013, Day 31 sketch to illustration board for painting, and pondering opening up some Moleskine notebook commissions again soon. Please let me know if you're interested in the Moleskine cover commissions!

If you enjoy seeing new project or sneak peeks at WIP photos, please consider a donation!
Become a patron of the arts!

Thank you for joining me for another State of the Artist update! Feedback is the food which fuels the creative discussion between Artist and Audience, please, feel free to comment or leave suggestions for new projects!

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